STAVOKLIMA s.r.o. has been implementing the project called “Reduction of energy demands of STAVOKLIMA s.r.o.”, reg. No.: CZ.01.3.10/0.0/0.0/16_061/0011474,
submitted for co-funding from the Operational Programme Enterprise and Innovation for Competitiveness, i.e., the funds of the European Union.
Subject of the project:
installation of a new CNC laser, installation of a PV power plant, installation of heat pumps
Thanks to the implementation of the entire project, the energy consumption of the production hall and the office building at the company’s headquarters
at Budějovická 450, Homole, will be reduced. In addition, significant reduction of air pollution will take place.
The implementation of the project will result in permanent energy savings.
The subject of the project CZ.01.2.111/0.0/0.0/16_047/0007460 PRESENTATION OF STAVOKLIMA AT ISH FAIRS 2017–2019 is an individual participation of the applicant STAVOKLIMA s.r.o. at important foreign fairs and exhibitions focused on AC and TZB in order to promote the company and its products on foreign markets.
The main objects and results of the project:
increased number of foreign business partners – increased export sales
The implementation of the project is subsidized by the European Union under Operational Programme Enterprise and Innovation for Competitiveness (OP PIK), the Marketing programme.
plot No. 176/20 cadastral area: Homole reg. No. CZ.31.3.0/0.0/0.0/22_001/0002872 is co-funded by the European Union.
The purpose of the project is to install a photovoltaic power plant without storage for the applicant’s own consumption. Optimized provision of electricity for business activity shall take place with the use of renewable energy sources.