A cornerstone for a noise control protection is use of quality components being the noise control and acoustic elements by Stavoklima. In combination with other elements, they form a compact and effective system of the noise control measures.
Absorption of noise by a noise control barrier or, if you want, noise protection wall is the basic effective form for elimination of distribution of undesired noise.
The noise control barriers consist of acoustic panels or the they are assembled into full units of the noise protection. A mobile noise control barrier is a simple solution to attenuate noise where it is needed. Its light and flexible structure permits wide application also in poorly accessible places. The barriers can be assembled in any length through connecting each segment.
Technological appliances, air-conditioning, emergency electricity sources, compressor stations, and machines) can be provided with the sliding noise reduction wall to create a separated space and reduce noise level to appropriate levels while keeping good accessibility to the object being noise-reduced.